Longevity Hall of Fame

Those who have lived to the oldest verified age in history are…


 1. Jeanne Calment

Born: 21 Feb 1875 Died: 4 August 1997

 Age at death: 122 years and 164 days old

 Nationality: French

 Spouse: Fernand Calment (married in 1896, until his death in 1942)

Children: 1 (Yvonne 1898-1934- aged 36)

Occupation: housewife

 Secret to longevity: Good genes, positive attitude and healthy lifestyle.

2. Kane Tanaka

Born: 2 Jan 1903 Died: 19 April 2022

Age at death: 119 years and 107 days old

Nationality: Japanese

Spouse: Hideo Tanaka (married in 1922, until his death in 1993)

Children: 5 (two sons, two daughters (both daughters died in infancy), and adopted heir nice.

Occupation: Worked in a store selling noodles

Secret to longevity: Faith, family, eating well, and practicing mathematics.

3. Sarah Knauss

Born: 24 Sept 1880 Died: 30 Dec 1999

Age at death: 119 years and 97 days old

Nationality: USA

Spouse: Abraham Knauss (married in 1901, until his death in 1965)

Children 1 (Katherine 1903-2005 aged 101)

Occupation: Housewife

Secret to longevity: Good diet of fruit and vegetables, regular exercise, and great support network.

Oldest person in the world currently living:

Maria Branyas

Born: 4 March 1907 (116 years old)

Nationality: Spanish

Oldest male in the world currently living:

Juan Vicente Perez

Born: 27 May 1909 (114 years old)

Nationality: Venezuela