The Rejuvenation Revolution: A Look At Tomorrow’s Solutions For Living Longer

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Advancements in biotechnology and a greater understanding of genetics, cellular biology, and biochemistry have recently turned age rejuvenation from a distant dream into an actual tangible field of scientific examination. In labs across the world, scientists are now unlocking the secrets of aging and striving to reverse its effects. This fight to uncover the mysteries of aging will inevitably, result in scientists finding new ways to extend human lifespans and prolong ill health, if not indefinitely, in the not-too-distant future.

At the cellular level, one’s body experiences wear and tear as we all continue to grow older. Imagine your cells as batteries. Just as batteries weaken and lose power over time, our cells lose their vitality, resulting in aging, and need recharging.

Just imagine a well-functioning machine that gradually accumulates rust and experiences wear and tear over time. Our bodies, just like machines rust, show signs of aging as cellular function declines.

This article will summarise the most promising age rejuvenation therapies progressing through scientific labs and clinical trials, with the aim of one day soon becoming available to the general public. It will also shed some light on who are the key players and organisations working on these new technologies and when they might be within our grasp.

Soon there may very well be a number of options when we “pull up” to the doctor to refuel or recharge ourselves, allowing us to continue to navigate the journey of life with a greater sense of vitality and good health.

Here are ten examples of age rejuvenation therapies currently being explored by numerous organisations:

1.       Telomere Extension:

Telomeres are protective caps that lie at the ends of our DNA strands. Think of telomeres, like the plastic tips of shoelaces that stop the laces from fraying. Over time, as our cells divide, telomeres shorten, leading to cellular aging and malfunction. Telomere extension therapies seek to lengthen these caps, which many experts argue could rejuvenate cells and delay the aging process in the body.

Companies such as Sierra Sciences, lead by Dr. Bill Andrews, and researchers such as Nobel Laureate Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn are at the forefront of this therapy.

Telomere Extension - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? Likely a decade or more away due to the potential risks associated with inducing cell immortality.

What could delay availability? Concerns about cancer risks (as telomere extension might make cells cancer-prone) could be a significant hold-up.

Where is it currently up to? In the research phase, not available for general use, however some medical tourism options might be available in less regulated regions of the world (

Click Here to read about founder and CEO of BioViva, Liz Parrish’s story as “patient zero”

2.       Senolytics:

As we age, some cells in our bodies become senescent. These are cells that no longer function properly but refuse to die, releasing inflammatory substances that can harm neighbouring cells.

Senolytics are drugs that target and destroy these malfunctioning cells.

Dr. Judith Campisi is a leading researcher in the field of cellular senescence at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and has made remarkable contributions to the understanding of the role of senescent cells in aging and disease.

Dr. Jan van Deursen, from the Mayo Clinic, was among the first to show that removing senescent cells could delay aging-associated disorders in mice.

Unity Biotechnology, which was co-founded by Dr. Judith Campisi and Dr. Jan van Deursen, is a company dedicated to developing senolytic therapies to treat age-related diseases. They currently have a number of drugs in their pipeline and being trialled, which ultimately aim to selectively eliminate senescent cells.

Senolytics - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? Several years, depending on the success of ongoing clinical trials. Some drugs such as Dasatinib, Quercetin and Fisetin are approved for other indications, but not specifically for aging.

What could delay availability? Drug safety concerns or unanticipated side effects could delay progress. Promising clinical trial results could accelerate FDA approvals though.

Where is it currently up to? Currently undergoing clinical trials. Not currently available for broad public use specifically for aging, but there are options available such as Dasatinib, Quercetin, and Fisetin, for example, which are available in supplement form. Please always consult a medical professional before considering these options.


3.       NAD+ Boosters:

NAD+ is a molecule present in every cell of our bodies and has a crucial role in energy production and DNA repair for example. Aging reduces NAD+ levels, which impacts cellular health and vitality. NAD+ boosters aim to increase these levels and rejuvenate cells.

It has been reported that Dr. David Sinclair, a professor at Harvard Medical School and well known for his research on aging and epigenetics, has taken a keen interest in the effects of NAD+ and its potential benefits for longevity.

Elysium Health, co-founded by MIT based Dr. Leonard Guarente, offers a product named Basis, which contains nicotinamide riboside (NR) and pterostilbene. NR is a precursor to NAD+. According to Elysium, Basis has been clinically proven to increase and sustain NAD+ levels.

NAD+ Boosters - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? Currently available as dietary supplements.

What could delay availability? Long-term effects are still under study, so that may delay regulatory approvals.

Where is it currently up to? Available as supplements, but not as approved drugs for aging.


4.       mTOR Inhibitors:

The mTOR protein plays a significant role in cell growth and metabolism. However, scientists argue that excessive mTOR activity can accelerate aging. For example, mTOR inhibitors help modulate this protein's activity, promoting longevity and staving off age-related diseases.

Dr. Michael Hall’s discovery of TOR (Target Of Rapamycin) in 1991, and his foundational work led to an expansive field of research on the mTOR pathway and its implications in aging and disease in more complex organisms, including humans.

In the field of biogerontology, Dr. Mikhail Blagosklonny's work has also been foundational in establishing mTOR as a key player in the aging process and in exploring the potential of mTOR inhibitors like rapamycin as therapeutic agents against aging and age-related diseases.

mTOR Inhibitors - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? A few years, given that drugs like rapamycin are already being studied for other uses.

What could delay availability? Potential side effects could slow down the application to anti-aging.

Where is it currently up to? Drugs such as rapamycin are approved for other conditions, but not specifically for aging.


5.       Stem Cell Therapy:

Stem cells have the amazing ability to develop into various cell types, such as muscle cells to brain cells. As one ages our body's stem cell count declines. Stem cell therapy, therefore, aims to introduce healthy stem cells to rejuvenate tissues and organs.

Dr. Shinya Yamanaka was awarded a Nobel Prize for his discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are adult cells that are genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell like state. He continues to lead research efforts in this field.

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) has also been at the forefront of stem cell research, providing grants and funding for numerous stem cell-related projects and research endeavours.

Stem Cell Therapy - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? Some treatments available now, but wider applications might take several more years.

What could delay availability? Ethical concerns and potential for tumour development.

Where is it currently up to? Some treatments, like for specific injuries or diseases, are available.


6.       Gene Therapy:

Our genes dictate how our bodies function. However, some genes when activated or deactivated, can influence the aging process more so than others. Gene therapy involves modifying or manipulating these genes to counteract the effects of aging.

Dr. Jennifer Doudna and Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 for the development of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology, which has revolutionised the field of gene therapy.

Dr. George Church's lab at Harvard was among the first to develop CRISPR as a gene-editing tool in eukaryotic cells. His lab has continued to refine and expand upon these techniques, leading to the advancement of gene therapies and edits.

Rejuvenate Bio, which was spun out of Dr. Church’s lab a Harvard Medical school has been developing on gene therapies with the potential to reverse aging and extend healthy lifespan. Their approach focuses on treating multiple age-related diseases simultaneously rather than addressing them one by one.

Gene Therapy - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? A decade or more, given the complexities of genetic modifications.

What could delay availability? Ethical, safety, and technical challenges of editing genes.

Where is it currently up to? Some gene therapies approved for specific diseases, but broad anti-aging applications are in early research.


7.       Dietary Interventions:

It has long been argued that diet significantly affects health and lifespan. Dietary interventions, such as caloric restriction, have shown promise in extending lifespan and reducing age-related diseases in various organisms.

Dr. Valter Longo is a prominent figure researching the impacts of diet on longevity. His approach, which blends rigorous scientific investigation with actionable dietary advice, has earned him a reputation as one of the leading figures in the field of aging and nutrition.

Dietary Interventions – if you are keen to dive in, yes, many options are currently available. However, please always consult a medical practitioner or registered dietician for advice on an appropriate dietary intervention that might help you.


8.       Autophagy Enhancers:

Autophagy is a cellular process where cells degrade and recycle their own components, helping maintain cellular health and function. Enhancing this process could ensure cells function optimally and reduce age-related damage.

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi is a distinguished Japanese cell biologist recognised for his groundbreaking research on the mechanisms of autophagy. His work has been instrumental in shedding light on a fundamental cellular process. His research on autophagy has paved the way for a deeper understanding of cellular health, aging, and disease mechanisms, making him a monumental figure in the realm of cell biology.

Autophagy Enhancers - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? Several years to a decade. Specific treatments for anti-aging through autophagy enhancement are still in the research phase, despite some existing compounds known to induce autophagy.

What could delay availability? Risks associated with overstimulation of autophagy still require detailed observation and analysis. Targeting autophagy enhancement to the right tissues or cells is crucial to avoid unintended effects.

Where is it currently up to? It is an active area of research. Recognition through Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi's Nobel Prize has helped accelerate its progress. It is believed certain compounds (e.g., rapamycin) and dietary practices (such as fasting) likely stimulate autophagy. However, their application for anti-aging continues to be studied.


9.       Proteostasis Modulators:

Proteostasis refers to the processes by which cells maintain the health and quality of their proteins. Ensuring proper protein folding and function is crucial for cellular health. Proteostasis modulators enhance these processes, which could increase cellular health and assist with longevity.

Dr. Andrew Dillin, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has made significant contributions to understanding the molecular pathways of proteostasis, especially in the context of aging.

Dr. Richard Morimoto, based at Northwestern University, Morimoto's research focuses on the heat shock response, a crucial aspect of the proteostatic system, and he investigates how cells respond to environmental and physiological stress.


Proteostasis Modulators - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? Several years to a decade, depending on research progression and clinical trial outcomes.

What could delay availability? The proteostasis network comprises chaperones, proteasomes, autophagy components, and several other proteins. Each of these can potentially interact with numerous others, making the mapping and understanding of these interactions quite a difficult task. While the potential benefits are immense, especially in diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, the challenges inherent in unravelling and modulating the complex proteostasis network could considerably delay the development of safe and effective drugs.

Where is it currently up to? The technology is currently in the research phase and not publicly available.


10.   Young Blood Plasma Transfusions:

There is a growing interest in the rejuvenating properties of young blood. Some studies suggest that transfusing plasma from younger donors can rejuvenate older individuals, although the exact mechanisms and potential benefits continue to remain under close investigation.

Neuroscientist Dr. Tony Wyss-Coray from Stanford University is a leading figure in the study of young blood transfusions. His lab's research on parabiosis (connecting the circulatory systems of young and old mice) demonstrated rejuvenative effects on the brains of the older mice.

Alkahest, which was spun off from Dr Wyss-Coray’s research, continues to focus on identifying specific factors in plasma that can combat aging. Rather than using full plasma transfusions, they aim to harness these factors for targeted therapies.

Ambrosia Health, founded by Jesse Karmazin, is one of the most publicised companies offering young blood plasma transfusions. Although they temporarily stopped their treatments due to FDA concerns, they are now continuing to pursue these treatment initiatives.

Dr. Irina Conboy from UC Berkeley, also conducts research into the effects of young blood and the factors responsible for its rejuvenating properties.

Elevian is also developing drugs that mimic the effects of beneficial factors found in young blood. It can be argued that while Elevian's work is deeply rooted in the concept of "young blood" rejuvenation, the company's approach isn't about transfusing young blood into older individuals, but instead, they aim to develop drugs that can target specific factors, such as GDF11 (a protein that declines with age), to potentially replicate the benefits observed in parabiotic experiments.

Young Blood Plasma Transfusions - a quick dive into when it could potentially become available to the general public to treat aging.

When could it become widely available? A few years, depending on the outcomes of clinical trials.

What could delay availability? Ethical considerations of sourcing young blood and potential unforeseen side effects.

Where is it currently up to? Some clinics offer it, but it is not widely accepted or regulated.

While some rejuvenation therapies are in their infancy, others are much closer to coming to market. However, what is clear is that we stand on the brink of a revolution in how we approach aging over the next decade or two. As scientists uncover more about the intricacies of aging and human biology and are supported by more sophisticated learning models and systems, they will inevitably uncover even more paths to combat aging and new therapies.


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